Common Dental Issues: Crowding and Discoloration of Front Teeth

Who doesn’t wish to have a brightening and beautiful smile? Of course, everyone. But having an attractive smile becomes a dream for some people. Dental issues like crowding and discolouration become significant obstacles that prevent people from having beautiful and confident smiles.

Earlier, people used to compromise with these dental issues due to the availability of limited treatments and the cost of the treatments. But today, we have a wide range of treatments available for these dental issues at affordable costs. Thanks to the technological advancements that have made this possible,

Moreover, most people are unaware of the root causes of these dental issues. Today, this blog will give you deeper insights into the common dental problems, crowing and discolouration of front teeth by highlighting their causes and treatments.

Common Causes of Crowding of Front Teeth

Crowding of teeth mainly occurs when there is not enough space in the jaw to hold all teeth together. The insufficient space results in teeth overlapping, shifting, or twisting out of alignment, eventually creating a crowded appearance. Crowded teeth always create a hindrance to having a beautiful and confident smile. Teeth crowding does not occur by birth. Instead, it has various causes like: 

Untimely Loss of Baby Teeth

Primary or baby teeth play a prominent role in correctly placing adult teeth. Also, baby teeth have a definite time and age of getting lost. That’s why if the child loses the primary teeth before the desired time due to decay or other reasons, it can result in crowded teeth. Conversely, if the baby’s teeth loss is delayed, it can also result in crowding.

Hereditary Factor

The size and shape of your jawline and the size of your teeth are based on your genetics. Hereditary factors can even affect the alignment of your teeth. If a person inherits large-sized teeth but has a small jaw, then teeth crowding is obvious.

Childhood Habits

Many children have the habits of thumb-sucking and tongue-thrusting. While such habits may look normal, eventually, they put pressure on the front teeth and push them forward. Having such habits for a prolonged time ultimately results in teeth crowding.

Effective Treatments for Teeth Crowding

Whether tooth crowding occurs due to genetic factors, untimely loss of baby teeth, or childhood habits, there are numerous treatments for this cause. Here are some of the most effective treatments for teeth crowding.

Braces and Invisalign

When it comes to proper teeth alignment, braces or Invisalign becomes the perfect option. Both braces and aligners effectively fit over your crowded teeth to bring them to the appropriate shape from front to back. Although you need to carry braces and aligners on your teeth for a few months, they become fruitful in allowing you to have a confident and beautiful smile with properly aligned teeth.


In case of minor teeth crowding, reshaping becomes the perfect treatment. The dentists apply a slenderizing technique to adjust the size of the teeth. The size adjustments help create some space, eventually accommodating the teeth in the proper shape.

Tooth Extraction

When the jaw size is too small for the teeth size to accommodate them, then extracting one or more teeth becomes the perfect option. A small jaw will not be able to accommodate even braces or aligners. That’s why, in such scenarios, tooth extraction becomes the ultimate option to make space.

Common Causes of Discoloration of Teeth

Tooth discolouration is another common dental issue observed in numerous people. Usually, teeth discolouration is of two types: extrinsic discolouration affects the outer layer of teeth, while intrinsic discolouration affects the inner layer of your teeth. You might be wondering how your teeth can get discoloured. Here are the major causes of teeth discolouration.

Lifestyle Habits

Daily consumption of certain foods like red wine, coffee, and tea stains creates stains on the front teeth. These beverages contain chromogens that get a hold of the tooth enamel, leading to discolouration with time.

Certain Medications

Certain medicines, such as tetracycline antibiotics for children and medications related to blood pressure, would weaken the enamel, ultimately leading to discolouration of teeth.

Aging Factor

Most older adults are seen to have discoloured teeth. As we age, tooth discolouration becomes the obvious thing. The reason is that with age, the tooth enamel becomes thin naturally, leading to exposure to dentin (the yellowish layer behind the tooth enamel). The dentin exposure ultimately gives your teeth a yellowish appearance. Moreover, with growing age, the tooth enamel also wears down, which also becomes a reason for teeth discolouration.

Injury to Front Teeth

Any physical injury caused to the front teeth due to an accident can also discolour the teeth. Physical injury can block the blood supply to the front teeth, leading to discolouration. That’s why, in case of any injury to your teeth, you should immediately seek guidance from Berwick Dental Centre to prevent extreme circumstances.

Effective Treatments for Teeth Discoloration

A few years back, discoloured teeth had no solutions. But, today, with the advancement in dentistry, treatments are available for discoloured teeth. Let’s have a look at them.

Teeth Whitening

This tooth discolouration treatment becomes effective for stains caused by the consumption of beverages like coffee. The core dental in Berwick will apply a bleaching agent on the teeth for 30-90 minutes. The bleaching agent will penetrate the tooth enamel and remove the stains, making your teeth shiny.

Dental Bonding

In dental bonding, dentists apply a tooth-coloured resin on the front surface of your teeth to cover all sorts of stains. This tooth discolouration treatment becomes helpful in getting rid of mild stains. It takes only 30-60 minutes for its application. However, dental bonding becomes ineffective in case of hard stains.


Porcelain crowns become useful when tooth discolouration is due to any physical injury. In this treatment, the dentist covers the visible, discoloured portion of your teeth with a cap. The therapy needs only two appointments for its application. Dental crowns are not only helpful in teeth whitening but also help retain the shape of damaged teeth.


Teeth crowding and discolouration can affect the health and quality of your smile. Factors like genesis, untimely loss of baby teeth, and childhood habits play significant roles in causing teeth crowding. 

At the same time, things like lifestyle habits, medications, aging, and physical injury become the causes of teeth discolouration. However, treatments available can help you get rid of these dental issues.

Consulting with an experienced Berwick dental clinic and surgery like Woodleigh Waters Dental Surgery helps you overcome such dental issues with perfect treatment.

Contact us now for the perfect treatment for tooth crowding and discolouration in Berwick.

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