Why Are My Teeth Sensitive to Hot and Cold? Causes and Treatments

Imagine experiencing a sharp and painful sensation in your teeth while having the scoop of your favourite ice cream. Teeth sensitivity is among the most common and significant dental issues observed in many people. 

Although it is not as severe as other dental problems, it becomes a roadblock for people to enjoy their favourite food items.

People often neglect dental issues, thinking they are minor in pain and severity. However, its extremity depends on its cause. 

Some people would experience very minor sensations of hot and cold foods, while for some people, it can be significant. You can get the necessary teeth sensitivity treatment based on the severity of the condition. Moreover, some people don’t know the actual cause behind their teeth being sensitive to hot and cold foods.

Today’s blog will let you explore the causes of teeth sensitivity and the necessary treatments.

Common Causes of Teeth Sensitivity to Hot and Cold

Teeth sensitivity usually occurs when the protective layers of teeth (dentin) wear down due to erosion. Due to this, the gum tissue gets pulled away from your teeth, thus exposing the roots completely. This explosion makes your teeth sensitive to hot and cold foods. Besides, various factors make your teeth sensitive. Let’s have a look at all such factors.

Decaying of Teeth

When the tooth decays, openings are created in it. The openings become the gateway for hot and cold sensations to reach the tooth nerves. This eventually leads to pain and discomfort in your teeth in contact with hot or cold food components.

Cracked Teeth

A small crack or chip in your teeth also creates an opening that exposes the nerves to hot and cold sensations. The nerve explosion causes unbearable pain in teeth during contact with hot and cold foods.

Brushing Aggressively

While brushing daily is necessary for maintaining good oral health, too much aggressive brushing can wear down the tooth enamel, leading to gum recession. Moreover, using a hard-bristled brush can also damage the enamel. The wear down of tooth enamel ultimately makes your teeth sensitive.

Erosion of Tooth Enamel

Enamel is the outermost protective layer of your tooth. This layer can quickly erode by consuming excessive sugary drinks, acidic foods, and poor oral hygiene. Once the enamel erodes, it creates an opening to dentin, leading to an explosion of sensitive nerves. This eventually causes teeth sensitivity.

Gum Recession

In gum recession, gum tissues get pulled away from your teeth, exposing the tooth roots completely. The root explosion causes extreme sensitivity in teeth, leading to pain and discomfort in teeth while having hot or cold food components.

Dental Treatments

Dental processes like teeth whitening, crowning, or fillings cause temporary sensitivity in your teeth. Though sensitivity lies for a limited time, it can become severe without proper care. In such extreme situations, you should consult the dentistry clinics near you to get appropriate care and guidance.

Teeth Grinding

Bruxism, commonly known as teeth grinding, damages the tooth enamel, eventually exposing the dentin and making teeth sensitive. People often are unaware of their habit of grinding teeth, which damages enamel and teeth sensitivity.

Treatments for Teeth Sensitivity

Every problem has a solution, and so does teeth sensitivity can also be treated. However, the perfect teeth sensitivity treatment depends on its cause. We have listed different therapies you can choose from, depending on the cause.

Using Desensitizing Toothpaste

Desensitizing toothpaste contains numerous ingredients that form plugs in dentin and prevent it from stimulating the nerves. This helps block the signals between the tooth’s surface and the nerves inside the tooth’s surface. So, while using a desensitizing toothpaste, you can keep your teeth away from sensitivity issues. 

However, desensitizing toothpaste becomes effective when you use it regularly. Berwick Dental Centre will always recommend desensitizing toothpaste, especially for patients who face teeth sensitivity issues.

Having Dental Sealants

Dental sealants can be of utmost help for people with exposed dentin. Sealants are applied to the tooth’s surface to cover the existing openings. This blocks the way for the hot and cold sensations to reach the tooth’s nerves, thus helping you prevent tooth sensitivity.

Opting for Flouride Treatments

With tooth decay being one of the major causes of teeth sensitivity, fluoride treatment proves to be the perfect treatment for it. Flouride helps your teeth regain essential minerals like calcium and phosphate, eventually strengthening the enamel. This allows you to keep your teeth away from sensitivity issues.

Using a Soft-Bristled Brush

Brushing aggressively with a hard-bristled brush can wear out the gums. That’s why you should gently brush your teeth with a soft-bristled brush. It will always allow you to keep your gums in good health.

Limiting the Intake of Sugary and Acidic Foods

To prevent teeth sensitivity problems, you should always take sugary and acidic foods in limited amounts. Limiting the consumption of such foods and beverages allows you to avoid dental issues like cavities and tooth decay, which eventually helps prevent sensitivity.

Using a Mouthguard to Prevent Teeth Grinding

As teeth grinding can damage the tooth enamel, you should use a mouthguard to prevent further damage. Mouthguards are made of soft material that cushions the impact of grinding on enamel, thus preventing sensitivity issues.

Final Verdict

Although teeth sensitivity is a common dental issue, it becomes severe when you can’t enjoy hot or cold food. Significant causes of teeth sensitivity are tooth decay, cracked or chipped teeth, aggressive brushing, enamel erosion, gum recession, aggressive brushing, and dental treatments. 

By consulting with a specialist in teeth sensitivity in Berwick, you can know the actual cause, which would help you have appropriate treatment for the same.

Woodleigh Waters Dental Surgery is a well-known Berwick dental clinic that provides teeth sensitivity treatments. Our team of expert dentists offer treatment with minimum pain and affordable cost.

If you face challenging times with teeth sensitivity issues, our Berwick dental clinic and surgery becomes your perfect dentistry partner.

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