The silent signs of gum disease: what you need to know

silent signs of gum disease

When we hear about oral health, the first thing that comes into our mind is doing regular brushing and flossing to maintain our teeth. However, teeth are not the only things that you should take care of for oral health. 

Your gums also need timely care and maintenance. Negligence of gum health leads to severe gum disease which has unnoticeable symptoms. 

And with such symptoms, it becomes obvious for us to neglect the existence of gum disease in our mouth.

This blog will take you through the silent signs of gum disease that you should know for gum treatment.

What Happens When You Neglect the Signs of Gum Disease

“Bleeding gums are normal” or “Pain in gums is normal” – These are some common thoughts that occur in our mind when we have bleeding or swollen gums. But should such things be overlooked? Definitely not. Gum disease can result in several health issues and other oral health problems when left untreated. Here are some drastic outcomes that you can expect when you neglect the severe signs of gum disease.

Weakening of Teeth and Jawbones

As soon as the gum disease steps into your mouth, it starts eradicating the jaw bones which are a strong support to your teeth. This eventually results in tooth loss. A missing tooth compromises your appearance. Besides, tooth loss also lays down several issues in speaking and chewing.

Sensitivity Issues

Untreated gum disease results in loss of ligaments. This exposes the most sensitive root areas of your teeth which lead to sensitivity issues when come in contact with hot or cold foods and beverages. Due to sensitivity, you have to restrict yourself from having your favourite foods.

Increased Likelihood of Heart Issues

Studies show that prevalence of gum disease increases the possibility of heart strokes and other cardiovascular disease. Our mouth is connected to various parts of our body through several blood vessels. So, the bacteria from your infected gums travel through the bloodstream and enter into your heart which results in inflammation of arteries and pain in your heart.

Severe Issues for Diabetes Patients

Gum disease becomes life-threatening for diabetic patients as it can easily increase sugar levels, which can lead to severe health issues.

Respiratory Issues

Bacteria from your infected gums easily travel to your lungs via the bloodstream where they can create issues in breathing.

Now you can imagine how important it is for you to take into account the severe signs of gum disease. Small neglectance of gum disease can lead to drastic outcomes. If you experience any of the symptoms of gum disease, you can immediately opt for gum infection treatment.

The Silent Signs of Gum Disease

Let’s have a look at the most vital yet silent symptoms of gum disease.

Bleeding in Gums

The foremost symptom indicating the beginning stage of gum disease is bleeding in the gums. When you experience severe bleeding in your gums immediately after brushing or eating, that means your gums are in danger and you need to immediately check with a gum specialist in Berwick who would take immediate action.

The buildup of Chronic Bad Breath

Bad breath mostly occurs due to the regular intake of foods like garlic and onion, as well as smoking. However, the persistence of bad breath proves to be a strong signal for gum disease. In such cases, you should immediately opt for gum health treatment in Berwick.

Swelling and Tenderness in Gums

Normally, gums look pink in colour. However, they become red and swollen when gum disease steps in. That’s why as soon as your gums start turning reddish, it’s time to call your dentist and get gum disease treatment in Berwick.

Pus Discharge

Pus is a yellowish discharge. When you leave your gum disease untreated, it will not remain intact. Instead, it will advance and start radiating pus from the space between your teeth and gums.

Teeth Looking Longer Than They Are

It might happen that suddenly, your teeth start looking longer than their usual length. You might think them to be growing in a good way. However, it’s because of gum recession that opens up the most sensitive root areas of teeth. This leads to teeth sensitivity issues. Receding of gums is the most underrated symptom of gum disease which needs your prompt concern and care.

Final Say

Now you might have understood how important it is to consider the prevalence of any vital signs of gum disease and consult your dentist for periodontal treatment in Berwick. Issues like gum bleeding, teeth sensitivity, bad breath, increased length of teeth, gum recession, and pus discharge might seem to be normal, but they are actually not.

Are you experiencing any of these issues? Woodleigh Waters Dental Surgery is a leading gum specialist in Berwick. We offer best-in-class gum treatment in Berwick with leading dental tools and technologies at an affordable price.

Contact us now to have the best gum health treatment in Berwick.

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