Consequences Of Skipping Regular Dental Check-Ups

Despite knowing how crucial dental checkups are, many people put off dental appointments thinking that they can skipping these. The experts recommend that one should visit the dentist at least twice a year. 

Skipping your regular dental checkups can cost you more in the long run than it may seem initially. It’s not just about a missed cleaning but can have more profound consequences on your oral and overall health. 

Let us delve into the significant consequences of neglecting those important dental visits in this blog post outlined below. 

Consequences of Skipping Dental Check-ups 

Pague and tartar Build-up 

Even the ones abiding by dental hygiene have mouths full of bacteria which in turn goes to form plague. Plague if left untreated can damage tooth enamel which in turn makes it vital to treat plague. Consequently, make sure to check with your dentist in Berwick to get rid of plaque and tartar buildup. 

Tooth loss 

The next possible consequence of skipping your regular dental check-up is an increased risk of tooth loss. Tooth loss not only happens to seniors but to adults as well and may tarnish your personality. So staying up-to-date with your dentist appointments is the way to go. 

Tooth Decay

One of the most obvious consequences of missing regular check-ups is tooth decay. Tooth Decay can affect the tooth’s inner layers, leading to infections, abscesses, and potential tooth loss. Besides this, it can cause you pain while drinking hot or cold beverages. Fortunately, you can get it treated by visiting your dentist regularly and being consistent in your dental check-ups. 

Increased Risk of Gum Disease

Developing gum disease is the most severe consequence of skipping regular dental check-ups. Gum disease is caused by the plague build-up that leads to inflammation and swelling. If left untreated, gum disease can lead to tooth loss as it is a condition that can go from minor to major real quick. Consequently, stick to your regular dental check-ups to prevent gum disease. 


Minor dental issues can turn into severe issues quickly, which require proper dental care and additional costs. Preventive dental care would be more economical for you than emergency dental visits. Moreover, skipping regular dental check-ups can lead to issues that even dental insurance does not cover. The key is to be regular in your dental check-ups. 

Oral cancer 

The risk of developing oral cancer increases when one misses regular dental check-ups. Visiting the dentist regularly will make him notice this deadly disease because dentists know how healthy oral structures should look, feel, and function. 

Bad breath 

One of the most embarrassing consequences of missing your regular dental treatment in Berwick is bad breath. Food particles get trapped within teeth leading to bacteria and are also difficult to get rid of on your own. You can keep the bad breath at bay by visiting the dental clinic in Berwick regularly. 


Regular dental check-ups are more than just routine appointments; they are essential for maintaining optimal oral health and detecting potential issues before they become severe. By staying consistent in your dental check-ups, you can prevent yourself from catching dental issues. Book your dental appointment at Woodleigh Waters Dental Clinic now.

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