Best Remedies for Dry Mouth that You can Try Today

Dry mouth, often called xerostomia, has remained a major concern for most people. It is obvious that it occurs because of the emergence of other oral health problems, such as mouth sores, cracked lips, cavities, and gum diseases. 

A dry mouth is as irritating as a burning throat during colds and coughs. Imagine spending one entire day with a dry mouth. Of course, you will face problems in your daily activities, like speaking and eating.

Most people think that dry mouth does not have any definite treatment. However, this is not the reality. Although seeking a dentist’s guidance can help you eliminate the problem ideally, remedies can also be effective.

This blog will tell you the best remedies for dry mouth that you can try. Besides, you will also get to explore the primary causes of dry mouth that help you take the necessary precautions. 

Why Dry Mouth is Caused?

Today, dry mouth has become a common oral health problem. People often wonder what the actual reason behind dry mouth is. Dry mouth is usually caused when your mouth stops producing saliva. While saliva is frequently neglected, it is essential to maintaining oral health. A dry mouth often leads to problems in speaking and eating. If you are wondering what can cause dry mouth, here are a few causes.

Water Deficiency

It is often said that “Water is life.” This holds true for every part of our body, including oral hygiene. Insufficient water intake leads to dehydration, which ultimately results in dry mouth. 

Health Issues

Common health problems like diabetes and salivary stones affect the salivary glands, resulting in less salivary production in the mouth. This, ultimately, tends to make the mouth dry.


Some medications have the potential to affect the sympathetic nervous system, which is a part of the nervous system that increases heart rate and blood pressure. This would eventually thicken and slow down saliva production in the mouth, leading to a dry mouth.

Smoking and Alcohol

Cigarettes contain tobacco whose regular consumption reduces saliva production in your body. Besides, daily consumption of alcohol also results in dry mouth. That’s why it is always advised to avoid smoking and alcohol.

Breathing via Mouth

Many people have the habit of breathing through their mouths while sleeping. This often results in mouth dryness due to prolonged air consumption.

Dry Mouth Remedies You Should Try

Now that you have learned about the causes of dry mouth, you might wonder about dry mouth treatment. People often leave it untreated, thinking it to be a minor oral health problem. However, it is not. If left untreated, dry mouth can lead to major outcomes like tooth decay and digestion problems. Here are some remedies you should try to eliminate dry mouth.

Keep Your Body Hydrated

As discussed, dehydration is the most common and primary cause of dry mouth. Your salivary glands can work well only when they are supplied with enough water regularly. This becomes possible when you keep your body hydrated. You should cultivate a habit of drinking 7-8 glasses of water daily to hydrate your body. It becomes obvious that if your body is hydrated, your dry mouth will start getting hydrated, too.

Use a Humidifier to Moisten the Surroundings

Dry mouth is often caused by a dry climate and surroundings, which is why it prevails more during winters. If you live in a dry area with low humidity levels, a humidifier can help you moisten the indoor air, which will eventually help your mouth stay hydrated. For this reason, humidifiers prove to be an effective treatment for dry mouth when sleeping.

Chew Sugar-Free Gums

Sugar-free gums contain xylitol, a helping medium that stimulates the salivary glands, which continues saliva production in your mouth. This ultimately helps moisten your mouth. That’s why dentists often recommend chewing sugar-free gums at regular intervals. It becomes a good option to chew sugar-free gum immediately after meals as it will prevent the growth of cavities, which is one of the major causes of dry mouth.

Maintain Your Oral Hygiene

Just like you maintain the hygiene of your body, it is necessary to maintain your oral hygiene. Good oral health will always prevent cavities and gum diseases, preventing mouth dryness. You should regularly brush and floss your teeth twice a day to keep your mouth away from cavities. Besides, using mouthwash after meals also helps prevent bacteria growth in the mouth. By adopting simple oral health practices daily, you can always keep your mouth fresh and hydrated.

Breathe with the Mouth Closed

Breathing with an open mouth allows the surrounding dry air to enter your mouth, which can cause problems in the morning. To prevent the problem from prevailing further, you should try to breathe using your nose instead of your mouth. You can use nasal strips that can help you breathe with your nose.


Consistent dry mouth can result in ineffective speaking and eating issues, which can affect overall health. Remedies like using a humidifier, maintaining oral health, breathing with the nose, chewing sugar-free gums, and staying hydrated can relieve dry mouth.

Consulting an experienced dentist like Woodleigh Waters Dental Surgery would help you even more in effectively eliminating dry mouth.

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