With the new year stepping up, you will be excited for many new beginnings. However, parents across the globe would be worried about one thing – the physical and dental health of their kids. And this worry is obvious to happen because of the unhealthy habits of kids.
Moreover, kids are too small to decide what could be best to maintain the health of their teeth for a prolonged time. Besides, the prevalence of unhealthy habits for a protracted time can damage the health of their teeth, resulting in compromising their beautiful smile for a lifetime.
Although consulting with a children’s dentist in Berwick can help you prevent the occurrence of dental issues in your kids, parents’ involvement also plays a key role in maintaining the lasting health of their teeth.
Today’s blog will give you guidance on how to make your kids’ teeth healthy for the year ahead.
Essential Tips to Make Your Kids’ Teeth Healthy
Kids’ teeth are prone to innumerable dental problems due to their unhealthy habits of eating sugary foods and snacks. However, as parents, you can eliminate such situations from occurring if you take proper care of the teeth. Here are some tips from children’s dentists in Berwick that will help you keep your kids’ teeth healthy for the upcoming year.
Set Up a Daily Oral Care Routine to Follow
People often believe that just brushing and flossing are enough to have good oral care. However, that is not the complete reality. While brushing and flossing are two important processes for maintaining good oral hygiene, the method of practising them also matters a lot.
That’s why you should practically show your kids the real technique of brushing their teeth in circular motions. Then, you should ensure that they follow the process twice daily. Once they get habitual of brushing twice regularly following the real technique, you should introduce the flossing process which needs to be done immediately after eating to prevent the buildup of plaque and bacteria in the teeth.
Allowing a Tooth-Essential Diet
Kids are undoubtedly going to have unhealthy foods like sugary candies and sticky snacks, which are likely to degrade the quality of their teeth. That’s as parents, it becomes your responsibility to limit the consumption of such unhealthy foods and introduce a hygienic and healthy diet that is beneficial to their teeth.
For instance, crunchy fruits and vegetables like apples and carrots help in cleansing the mouth and they also help in vitalizing the gums.
Besides, consuming foods rich in calcium and phosphorus, like milk, helps make the tooth enamel strong and last for years. So, in this way by limiting the intake of sugary and unhealthy food options and enriching your kids’ diet with necessary supplements, you will able to remove the chances of cavity buildup in your kids’ teeth.
Giving Teeth Protection During Physical Activities
Kids are likely to indulge in sports activities like cricket, basketball, or hockey. While sports activities are important for the overall development of your kids, physical tooth injuries caused by them can result in drastic outcomes for your kids.
That’s why it becomes necessary for you to protect your kids’ teeth from physical injuries before engaging in any physical activity. To protect your kids from such massive situations, you should put mouthguards on their teeth. These mouthguards will let your kids enjoy their play while securing their teeth from physical injury.
Stop Bad Habits
Many kids have the habit of sucking thumbs. Also, some have a bad habit of chewing erasers and pencil tips. Parents often ignore such habits, thinking they will be stopped once the kids grow.
But do you know that the persistence of such habits can result in teeth misalignment? That’s why you should prevent your kids from cultivating such bad habits. You should explain to them how such habits can cause dental problems. Moreover, you can even consult a kids’ dentist in Berwick who can suggest some measures that can stop your kids from having such habits for a prolonged time.
Opt for Regular Dental Checkups
Just as regular paediatric appointments are necessary for your kid’s health, regular dental consultations are also essential to maintain their oral health. Consulting with a centre offering kids dental treatment in Berwick at regular intervals can help you identify dental issues, if there are any, at the early stage.
Besides, dentists can also offer fluoride treatments that protect the teeth against cavities. Paediatric dentists can even provide teeth cleansing to kids that could help in removing plaque and tartar buildup caused due to food residues. In this way, by scheduling dentistry appointments at regular intervals, you will be able to protect your kids from dental issues.
Final Verdict
Protecting kids’ teeth from major dental problems has always been a thought of concern for many parents. However, following some essential measures like following a proper oral care routine, having regular dental appointments, giving teeth protection during physical activities, and stopping cultivating bad habits can help you maintain the health of your kid’s teeth easily.
Woodleigh Waters Dental Surgery offers kids teeth treatment in Berwick. Besides, we are even emergency paediatric dentists offering emergency treatments in critical situations. With decade-long expertise and cutting-edge dental technologies, we ensure every kid can have a healthy and shining smile always.
Contact us now to get access to the best children’s dentist in Berwick.