Celebrate Your Smile With

Dental Bonding

Dental Bonding

Bonding Dental Treatment
Composite Bonding

For years and years, dental bonding, also termed composite bonding, has been employed in dentistry. It is an effective method for repairing chipped, cracked, and discoloured teeth. As well as for replacing silver amalgam fillings. You can also use dental bonding to fix gaps and realign misplaced teeth, resulting in a much straighter, uniform smile Our cosmetic dentistry is one such option for perfect dental Bonding.

Bonding is perhaps the most basic cosmetic dental procedure. It requires just minor changes to the natural dental enamel and therefore is recoverable if no tooth enamel extraction is necessary. You can see the benefits right away. Bonding composite to molars is a very popular alternative since the substance applied closely resembles the tint of your real teeth.

What Steps Are There in the Dental Bonding Process?

  • The doctor will use a topical anaesthetic to insensate the tooth and the tissue surrounding it; however, not all bonding treatments need an injection.
  • A ‘rubber dam,’ is a thin rubber sheet doctors insert in your jaw. Dentists use this sheet to separate the tooth from other teeth of yours. The major usage of this is to retain the teeth dry since saliva might weaken the composite bond.
  • Then that tooth will be cleaned completely. Detritus, tartar, and food debris will all be gone.
  • Then the dentists prep the tooth using a phosphoric-acid-based solution, which scuffs the tooth’s enamel. A bonding solution (glue) goes on the surface area and is fixed using a focused UV light beam. Then they put the composite in phases and set it with UV radiation at each stage. The composite will be placed in layers until the required form is obtained.
  • The final procedure is to refine the repair to attain the desired form and gloss.

What are some advantages of dental bonding?

Less expensive

Dental bonding is less expensive than some other dental treatment choices. The cost of the treatment is mostly determined by the number of teeth that must be extracted. It’s also a quick and straightforward procedure that doesn’t need many dentist appointments. As a result, patients can save more money and time on appointments with us.

Masks teeth problems

Dental bonding can correct a wide range of dental flaws that most people experience. Minor cracks and chips because of injuries and accidents can also use Dental Bonding. Dental bonding can also lighten stains produced by particular meals and smoking. Patients may also continue bonding their teeth to fix decaying spots in their teeth. Finally, patients may utilise it to alter the form of their teeth to produce a more angular form of tooth.

A better option than amalgam fillings

The composite resin used in the process gives strength and resilience to any compromised tooth. In contrast to silver amalgam fillings, the composite resin mixes in with a person’s natural teeth. Once dentists put silver amalgam in a person’s tooth, it has a unique hue that makes it easily visible.

It only takes one session

Not only are dental bonding prices less, but the procedure is also fully safe and painless. The dentist will use a chemical agent to roughen the patient’s teeth. This will improve the adhesion of the gum bonding substance to it. The dentists quickly apply the bonding resin in layers, depending on the thickness necessary to repair the tooth. Likewise, a cosmetic dentist will delicately mould the composite whilst it’s still fluid before hardening it with a UV light.

Motivation is easy

Our Core Values


We always apply advanced solutions to maintain the good oral hygiene of our patients. Also, our dentists always encourage changes and innovations.

Care And Concern

We always feel compassion for the pain our patients suffer from. Caring and sensitivity are always in our service.


We always work with high professionalism. The ethics and integrity of our patients are what we always keep in our minds when we serve you.

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